- calendar::formatsConvenient datetime formats
- calendar::holidaysExample ics file on English and Welsh holidays
- calendar::ical_exampleMinimal example of raw ical data
- calendar::ical_outlookExample of event data with multi-line description from Outlook
- calendar::propertiesThe key 'properties' that are allowed in ical files
- calendar::properties_coreThe key 'properties' that are allowed in ical files
- calendar::properties_icalical default VCALENDAR properties in one line vectors.
- cyclestreets::cyclestreets_column_namesPrices of 50,000 round cut diamonds.
- od::od_data_buildingsSimple buildings dataset
- od::od_data_centroidsDatasets reporesenting zone centroids
- od::od_data_centroids2Output area centroids
- od::od_data_coordinatesDatasets reporesenting zone centroids
- od::od_data_csa_zonesExample OD data
- od::od_data_destinationsWorkplace zone (destination) centroids
- od::od_data_dfOrigin-destination datasets
- od::od_data_df2Origin-destination data with destinations in a different layer than origins
- od::od_data_df_mediumOrigin-destination datasets
- od::od_data_networkRoute network data for Leeds
- od::od_data_zonesExample OD data
- od::od_data_zones_minExample OD data
- od::od_data_zones_smallSmall zones dataset
- od::od_road_networkSimple road network dataset
- simodels::destinations_yorkExample destinations dataset: schools in York
- simodels::od_ausExample OD dataset: flows between regions in Australia
- simodels::si_centroidsExample zones and centroids
- simodels::si_oa_wpzOrigin-Destination Data for Leeds
- simodels::si_oa_wpz_dDestination Data for Leeds
- simodels::si_oa_wpz_oOrigin Data for Leeds
- simodels::si_od_censusExample OD dataset
- simodels::si_pubsExample destinations dataset: pubs in Leeds
- simodels::si_zonesExample zones and centroids
- simodels::zones_ausExample zones dataset: regions of Australia
- simodels::zones_yorkExample zones dataset: administrative zones of York
- slopes::cyclestreets_routeA journey from CycleStreets.net
- slopes::dem_lisbon_rasterElevation in central Lisbon, Portugal
- slopes::lisbon_road_networkRoad segments in Lisbon
- slopes::lisbon_road_segmentA road segment in Lisbon, Portugal
- slopes::lisbon_road_segment_3dA road segment in Lisbon, Portugal
- slopes::lisbon_road_segment_xyz_mapboxA road segment in Lisbon, Portugal
- slopes::lisbon_routeA route composed of a single linestring in Lisbon, Portugal
- slopes::lisbon_route_3dA route composed of a single linestring in Lisbon, Portugal
- slopes::lisbon_route_xyz_mapboxA route composed of a single linestring in Lisbon, Portugal
- slopes::magnolia_xyRoad segments in Magnolia, Seattle
- stats19::accidents_sampleSample of stats19 data (2022 collisions)
- stats19::accidents_sample_rawSample of stats19 data (2022 collisions)
- stats19::casualties_sampleSample of stats19 data (2022 casualties)
- stats19::casualties_sample_rawSample of stats19 data (2022 casualties)
- stats19::file_namesstats19 file names for easy access
- stats19::file_names_oldstats19 file names for easy access
- stats19::police_boundariesPolice force boundaries in England (2016)
- stats19::schema_originalSchema for stats19 data (UKDS)
- stats19::stats19_schemaStats19 schema and variables
- stats19::stats19_variablesStats19 schema and variables
- stats19::vehicles_sampleSample of stats19 data (2022 vehicles)
- stats19::vehicles_sample_rawSample of stats19 data (2022 vehicles)
- stplanr::cents_sfSpatial points representing home locations
- stplanr::destinations_sfExample destinations data
- stplanr::flowData frame of commuter flows
- stplanr::flow_destsData frame of invented commuter flows with destinations in a different layer than the origins
- stplanr::flowlines_sfSpatial lines dataset of commuter flows
- stplanr::od_data_linesExample of desire line representations of origin-destination data from UK Census
- stplanr::od_data_routesExample segment-level route data
- stplanr::od_data_sampleExample of origin-destination data from UK Census
- stplanr::osm_net_exampleExample of OpenStreetMap road network
- stplanr::rnet_cycleway_intersectionExample of cycleway intersection data showing problems for SpatialLinesNetwork objects
- stplanr::rnet_overpassExample of overpass data showing problems for SpatialLinesNetwork objects
- stplanr::rnet_roundaboutExample of roundabout data showing problems for SpatialLinesNetwork objects
- stplanr::route_network_sfSpatial lines dataset representing a route network
- stplanr::route_network_smallSpatial lines dataset representing a small route network
- stplanr::routes_fast_sfSpatial lines dataset of commuter flows on the travel network
- stplanr::routes_slow_sfSpatial lines dataset of commuter flows on the travel network
- stplanr::zones_sfSpatial polygons of home locations for flow analysis.
- zonebuilder::london_areaRegion representing London in projected coordinate system
- zonebuilder::london_area_lonlatRegion representing London in projected coordinate system
- zonebuilder::london_centRegion representing London in projected coordinate system
- zonebuilder::london_cent_lonlatRegion representing London in projected coordinate system
- zonebuilder::zb_100_triangular_numbersThe first 100 triangular numbers